Das Grossse Abo © Floris Fortin

Das Grosse Abonnement

Experiencing something new, leaving well-trodden paths, seeking the unknown even in the old - only someone who is "ready to set out and travel" can do this, as Hermann Hesse calls out to us in his poem Stufen. In this spirit, the concerts of the Grand Subscription promise a journey of discovery across all borders, through the sonorous landscapes of great orchestral music.

Along the way, alongside a multitude of popular masterpieces from music history, including symphonies by Haydn, Schubert and Dvořák as well as Orff's monumental Carmina Burana, there are also 'hidden treasures' that have never been heard in the Brucknerhaus before. Outstanding international soloists invite you to explore their own world of sound: from Patricia Kopatchinskaja, who will perform Berg's violin concerto "To the Memory of an Angel" together with Mirga Gražinytė-Tyla and the Orchestre Philharmonique de Radio France, to the two star violinists Gil Shaham and Ray Chen with concertos by Korngold and Tchaikovsky in their luggage, Khatia Buniatishvili, who will perform the highly virtuoso 3rd Piano Concerto by Rachmaninoff with the Danish National Symphony Orchestra under Fabio Luisi. Piano Concerto by Rachmaninoff, as well as Gautier Capuçon with Shostakovich's 1st Cello Concerto and the long-awaited Brucknerhaus debut of the exceptional pianist Daniil Trifonov. Kent Nagano and Concerto Köln in turn open up completely new spheres of sound on original instruments around Bruckner's 'Romantic' 4th Symphony, from which Markus Poschner, Marc-André Hamelin and the Bruckner Orchestra Linz bring the colourful colouring of the musical metropolis of Vienna to life with works by Brahms and Bruckner pupil Hans Rott.

10 concerts by subscription
You can swap up to three dates for other events at the Brucknerhaus.

Cat. 1
€ 736,–
Cat. 2
€ 616,–
Cat. 3
€ 522,–
Cat. 4
€ 437,–
Cat. 5
€ 257,–
Cat. 6
€ 170,–
Junges Abo (Young Subscription)
€ 100,–

Please send new subscriptions to our service-center in written form by email, fax or post.


Brucknerhaus Service-Center
Untere Donaulände 7
4010 Linz

Phone:  +43 732 77 52 30
E-Mail: kassa@liva.linz.at


Tu 5. Nov 24
19:30 Main Hall Brucknerhaus Linz


Hrůša, Trifonov &
Bamberger Symphoniker

Der Ausnahmepianist Daniil Trifonov gibt sein langersehntes Debüt in Linz und präsentiert mit Jakub Hrůša und den Bamberger Symphonikern Dvořáks Klavierkonzert.

Th 12. Dec 24
19:30 Main Hall Brucknerhaus Linz


Sanderling, Capuçon &
Luzerner Sinfonieorchester

Das Luzerner Sinfonieorchester und Michael Sanderling präsentieren Schuberts 8. Symphonie und Schostakowitschs 1. Cellokonzert mit Gautier Capuçon als Solisten.

We 22. Jan 25
19:30 Main Hall Brucknerhaus Linz


Luisi, Buniatishvili &
Danish National Symphony Orchestra

Khatia Buniatishvili spielt mit dem Danish National Symphony Orchestra unter Fabio Luisi das hochvirtuose 3. Klavierkonzert von Rachmaninoff.

Mo 17. Feb 25
19:30 Main Hall Brucknerhaus Linz


Berglund, Chen &
Orchestra della Svizzera italiana

Das Orchestra della Svizzera italiana und Tabita Berglund präsentieren Werke von Beethoven, Dvořák und Tschaikowski gemeinsam mit dem Shootingstar Ray Chen.

We 5. Mar 25
19:30 Main Hall Brucknerhaus Linz


Robertson, Shaham
& Deutsches Symphonie-
Orchester Berlin

Zauberhaft schön: Nikolai Rimski-Korsakows Scheherazade. Es spielt das Deutsche Symphonie-Orchester Berlin unter David Roberson.

Tu 8. Apr 25
19:30 Main Hall Brucknerhaus Linz


Joel &
Bruckner Orchester Linz

Das Bruckner Orchester Linz und Alexander Joel laden mit Dvořáks Symphonie Nr. 9 e-Moll op. 95 »Aus der neuen Welt« zu einer faszinierenden musikalischen Reise ein.

Tu 27. May 25
19:30 Main Hall Brucknerhaus Linz


Gražinytė-Tyla, Kopatchinskaja &
Orchestre Philharmonique de Radio France

Das Orchestre Philharmonique de Radio France und Mirga Gražinytė-Tyla gastieren mit Werken von Haydn, Boulanger, Berg und Strauss. Solistin: Patricia Kopatchinskaja

Mo 23. Jun 25
19:30 Main Hall Brucknerhaus Linz


Miller &
Münchner Symphoniker

Ein besonderes musikalisches Erlebnis: Carl Orffs monumentales Meisterwerk Carmina Burana, dargeboten von den Münchner Symphonikern unter der Leitung von Rebecca Miller.

Fr 4. Oct 24
19:30 Main Hall Brucknerhaus Linz
Fr 27. Sep 24
19:30 Main Hall Brucknerhaus Linz